Catchment Award Winners!!

Catchment Award Winners!!

Synergy Solutions managed to pick up a joint award alongside our colleagues from Logan City Council, E2 Designlab, Lat27 and Catchment Solutions.

The project Scrubby Creek  Catchment Recovery Plan was a collaborative investigation and strategy to encourage better waterway health, ecosystems and community interaction with Logan’s waterways.

A fun part for us was seeing the communities of native fish in some areas you wouldn’t expect and how to bring more of them back.

A key role for Synergy was incorporation and integration of flooding aspects to the project but more importantly further development of our niche area and understanding of contemporary floodplain management and application of non structural measures.  Our understanding of flooding, waterway and catchment management and practical design aspects is what sets us apart.

This is where our company excels in these sorts of space, not just undertaking another flood modelling exercise.  Watch this space as some big, exciting projects are coming to light working in and around true integration of flooding and waterway health.

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